Sunday, September 22, 2013

World most rice man

Information technology advancer of software joint MS Bil Grast. Recently Frobs magazine world most rice man notice published. 7 thousand 200K$ USD in hand and most world rice man continue in world. MS have 5% Shared but never take any profited from the company. And others business, Bond, sharing get him more then 600k$ profit. But world rice persons Mexico telecom Carlos sperms down position on MS. Online e-goods seller powerful Amazon JF Bojas 2 thousand 710K $ and position in 3rd. 2 thousend 400 k $ owner google nearest Laray page are 4th position. Then position is google Sharjio Benar. His total amount is 2 thousand 440k$. And list of 6th most populated shows by social media owner Facebook Mark Jokarbarg. His total asset is 1 thousand 900K$.         

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