Monday, September 23, 2013

Microsoft is bringing in a new tab.

'Surface' brand tablet to bring to the market a year later models of the new Microsoft Surface tablet is going to be announced. NY Monday 23 September, the world's largest software maker said the new product is announced. The Wall Street Journal said at the news. Analysts say the market, the iPad and the tablet market depended by android operating system is going to make mistakes corrected again from Microsoft.The Wall Street Journal's news that one was, but the tablet next version of Surface, Surface -2, Microsoft will bring to market. Surface -2 tablet than the previous version of the change may be minimal.The models 'Surface -2' tab in the market can bring about the Microsoft. Surface -2 tablets will be a model of high-speed hyasaoyela Intel processors, the NVIDIA  tegara processor. The latest version of Windows, Windows 8.1 will support the new tablet. Surface RT 10.6-inch tablet on the market, the size of the market will size 'Surface -2' tab. Eight hours of battery should be drawn. USB 3.0  in new tab, Wi - Fi, and will Bluetooth. Microsoft Surface RT tablet is currently sold USD 349. Keyboard - caber price of USD 399.

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