Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Toshiba sinemyatik ultra book on market.

Toshiba U 840W models ultra-book recently brought to market. Toshiba U840W models of light, thin think ultra-book. The ultra-book entertainment laptop Toshiba authorities said Sinemyatik because the laptop, so the 14.4 inch display, which size ultra-book deposition inexperience may be a good movie to see. Possessor Starting the operating system running on Intel 's third -generation Toshiba laptop data capacity for 32 GB integrated. Has so much more to Intel HD 4000 grapes, dual web cam, Multi camera touchpad, famous Herman karadan audio system. The six -hour battery backup laptop can. Smart Technologies is the market price of 1.57 kg Toshiba laptop 1050$ . The laptop will buy one of the marketers of the products.

Two models brought Microsoft Surface Surface

Microsoft Surface tablet tab to bring to the market a year ago, a new version of 'Surface tab -2' and 'Surface Pro -2', the name of the tablet market, Microsoft announced today. 23 September NY tablet the company announced. BBC Online in the news. The new version of Microsoft Surface has the fastest processor and the battery life has increased. Also operating system based on Windows 8.1 Advanced tab make by the world's largest software maker said two cameras. The new version of the Windows RT tablets in 10.6-inch size on Surface 2 NDVDA tegra 4 processor, 3.5 megapixel front and 5 megapixels camera behind. The price is 575 U.S. dollars. The previous version of the Intel Surface Pro tab -2 Life has been improved by more than 60 percent better Microsoft has claimed. Surface Pro 64 GB model will be priced at 150 U.S. dollars -2.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Find iPhone fringe print problem and get award from iPhone.

Apple brings new iPhone finger print as well as strong security measures. Recently, the finger print technology, an iPhone hacker people out hurry. It is simply because of get iPhone problem then they can get award. IO capital investment in the United States, a security flaw in the iPhone Arturasa Rojenabyacara sponsors for the initiative taken. He came out with quite a few U.S. computer refer to security. Expert a team has, the finger print technology in the iPhone, you can find out the error, he was win 13.000$ with other award. Hacker iPhone Finger print technology all over the world to find inspiration in error Rojen Byacara. He took the initiative to do more to protect iphone. Rojen byacar the reputation Hackers find serious errors before hacking contest to find the error in the system if the iPhone will be safe. Forbes online has been one of the news, about the hacker people already start contested. And someone got smallest error.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Google announced the release quick office.

Quick office a free mobile application, Google has declared open for use. Quick office mobile app can be used if you have Google Gmail account. Google Quick office Microsoft Office files on the mobile phone can be seen by the application and can not be edited. The Quick office would only have access to free Google app business . The Pro version of the application to use need to pay U.S. $ 14.99 . Published at a news Telegraph online. It has the authority to access the free Quick Office application will be convenient for everyone. Play store quick app can be downloaded from the App Store and the iPhone, iPad and tablets will support the phone . The app allows you to sign in with a Gmail account quick office mobile devices, Microsoft Excel , Word , PowerPoint will use the facility plus .

Microsoft is bringing in a new tab.

'Surface' brand tablet to bring to the market a year later models of the new Microsoft Surface tablet is going to be announced. NY Monday 23 September, the world's largest software maker said the new product is announced. The Wall Street Journal said at the news. Analysts say the market, the iPad and the tablet market depended by android operating system is going to make mistakes corrected again from Microsoft.The Wall Street Journal's news that one was, but the tablet next version of Surface, Surface -2, Microsoft will bring to market. Surface -2 tablet than the previous version of the change may be minimal.The models 'Surface -2' tab in the market can bring about the Microsoft. Surface -2 tablets will be a model of high-speed hyasaoyela Intel processors, the NVIDIA  tegara processor. The latest version of Windows, Windows 8.1 will support the new tablet. Surface RT 10.6-inch tablet on the market, the size of the market will size 'Surface -2' tab. Eight hours of battery should be drawn. USB 3.0  in new tab, Wi - Fi, and will Bluetooth. Microsoft Surface RT tablet is currently sold USD 349. Keyboard - caber price of USD 399.

Asus Monitor release in market.

Worldwide have most powerful company. However asus is one of them. Asus release all kind of accessory. Recently asus DX279H model IPS Panel new LED monitor release by asus. 27 inc display and regulation is 1920 into 1080 px. Contest rashiou 80,000,000 viewing angle 178/178 degree. Its have building speaker, HDMI port, VGA Port ECT. Price only 530$.   

4500 Employer pruning blackberry.

Canadian smartphone company worldwide 4500 employer Pruning news published. At this moment blackberry have 12 thousand 700 handed employer. Smartphone market Contests never win the blackberry. So blackberry take the decision. Blackberry chief executive known Financial Crisis passes the company so take the decision. Smartphone market, Google, Android, Apple, and Microsoft windows the blackberry behind. The smartphone has sold over only 27 million units, AZ 10. In order to avoid financial losses as part of the new plan, Z. 30 by five inches in size leaving the smartphone market blackberry authorities announced. The idea is that the market will respond positively to this smarrtaphona. However, after the plan has continued on tracks blackberry shares.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

World most rice man

Information technology advancer of software joint MS Bil Grast. Recently Frobs magazine world most rice man notice published. 7 thousand 200K$ USD in hand and most world rice man continue in world. MS have 5% Shared but never take any profited from the company. And others business, Bond, sharing get him more then 600k$ profit. But world rice persons Mexico telecom Carlos sperms down position on MS. Online e-goods seller powerful Amazon JF Bojas 2 thousand 710K $ and position in 3rd. 2 thousend 400 k $ owner google nearest Laray page are 4th position. Then position is google Sharjio Benar. His total amount is 2 thousand 440k$. And list of 6th most populated shows by social media owner Facebook Mark Jokarbarg. His total asset is 1 thousand 900K$.         

New Asus Ruder released.

Recently Asus released RT-N 10U model Wireless Ruder. It’s up to 150 mbps data transferred and operating frequency 2.5 ghz. Its have 1 RG-45 wan, 4RG 45 LAN and 1 USB 2.0 port. The USB port can shearing FTP file and the ruder able to chugs smartphone, table PC ETC. After all the ruder is very cheep only 35$.      

HTML5 Come on Market

Hyper text Markup leagues (HTML). Its relay helpful for creating web page constant. Life of the internet most powerfully software developer by Opera. From 1990 to till the HTML provide us 5 up greats. The HTML at list Up great HTML5. Internet user lessen songs, video, Animation ETC can use without any kind of addition software. HTML5 Is most power full and usable language. Web page computer, Tablet and call phone usable.

New Iphone 5S and 5C

The Apple iPhone is going to be the end of the year of power Samsung who claim that they were looking for a new version of the iPhone has been a resounding iPhone 5S and iPhone 5C . Last Friday, Japan, China and Austiliya In this latest addition to the sale of the iPhone. Time standing in line to get the iPhone from the classical form of the iPhone 5S and iPhone 5C. Store wait to get in front of the Apple iPhone is the Tretara kaksita . It was the first time rannera baititre abamukma iPhone. Multiple designs, but the golden color of iPhone buyers were new jhoka . The reason the iPhone stores golden color has ended . Nauiyarke Apple store waiting 19 days before the 15 -year-old Brian uchusita sebalo after buying the new iPhone. This is really a great experience. Apple's new operating system IOS 7 iphone rich fingerprints really remarkable feature. The IOS 7 - from the Apple kayekuta error has been detected, a new and thrilling us to rectify the IOS 7.10 Users can easily find update.